Posts in Digestive Health
Anxiety, Depression and Gut Health: It’s Not All in Your Head

Studies have shown that as many as half of those with IBS, also suffer from psychological disorders including anxiety and depression. And while many sufferers have been told their gut symptoms are ‘all in their head’ (including me at one point), science has recently discovered the relationship might actually be the other way around. What’s happening in your gut, directly affects what’s happening in the brain, your mood and how you respond to stress.

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Safe Foods to Eat When Everything Upsets Your Gut

For those with IBS type symptoms, meal times can be a bit of a nightmare. If you’ve ever thought or said, “If I eat that, I’ll look 6 months pregnant within 30 minutes” or “If I eat that, I’ll be on the toilet within an hour” I completely get it. And it sucks! All of a sudden food becomes the enemy and choosing ‘safe’ options means a very limited diet. At one point, I was down to chicken or fish with steamed vegetables and olive oil for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dee-licious. But seriously, not cool for me or my microbiome.

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9 SIBO Healing Mistakes Everyone Makes

Eradicating SIBO and healing your damaged gut is a journey full of trial and error, and lots of hard, HARD work. With our scientific and clinical understanding of the condition continuing to grow, protocols and recommendations are constantly evolving and as with any gut condition, what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for the next. This means a lot of SIBO sufferers are struggling to keep up with the most up-to-date and effective treatment approaches.

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Losing Belly Fat: 3 Factors Everyone Overlooks

There’s something particularly frustrating (and dangerous) about belly fat. It’s the type of fat we notice and the one we stereotypically associate with “being fat”. It’s also commonly the result of visceral fat, the kind that surrounds your internal organs and increases your risk of a whole range of unwanted health problems. And as any belly fat sufferer will find, it can be extremely difficult to shift if you’re still following old dietary advice commonly found in mainstream media.

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Constipation Root Causes: Top Three We See Everyday

We see a lot of clients in our clinical practice that have finally decided to beat constipation. Many have been labelled years ago as having IBS-C or Functional Constipation and encouraged not to look any further. For those that don’t take that advice, we almost always find an underlying (and treatable!) condition. Here are the three most common constipation root causes we see everyday.

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16 Simple Sleep Tips: Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep

Everyone’s tired these days. And while we know that a lack of good quality sleep isn’t the only culprit, it’s certainly one that needs improvement for most of us. The restorative and healing benefits of sleep are so great that it’s one of the five foundational pillars of any of my clients’ treatment protocols. But what can we do to improve the amount and quality of sleep we get each night?

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When the Perfect Diet Isn’t Enough to Heal Your Gut

If you’re the type of person who tries to maintain a perfectly healthy diet and regularly exercises but still struggles with digestive issues, then this post is for you. What we eat and how it makes us feel can be huge indicators for our underlying level of health. And it’s not just junk food that might make you feel terrible. For anyone with a gut infection, foods we all think of as ‘healthy’ can exacerbate symptoms, letting you know your digestive system is out of balance and that something more is required to heal your gut.

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7 Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

Symptoms of a compromised digestive system go far beyond irritable bowel syndrome and its best friends; constipation, diarrhoea, gas and bloating. And if it’s true that all disease begins in the gut, what are the less obvious warning signs that yours is out of balance? Realising that poor gut health might be the root cause of a whole bunch of conditions you thought were unrelated can be a breakthrough moment for most people.

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Why Do I Crave Sugar? The Science You Need to Know

If you’ve ever opened the fridge at 10 p.m. looking for that sweet treat, you’ve probably asked yourself, maybe even out loud, " Why do I crave sugar? ” And because it’s a common side effect of digestive and hormonal dysfunction (more on that later), it’s a question I regularly get asked by clients. I remember it all too well when I was struggling with gut health issues and an incessant need to eat another brownie

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Gut Bacteria and Weight Loss Resistance

‘Losing weight’, or as I prefer to call it - ‘losing body fat’, is by far the most popular resolution made every New Year’s day. But it’s also undoubtedly one of the least successful. And, contrary to popular belief, the reason might not be your lack of willpower after all. The real reason might actually be hidden in the health, or otherwise, of the colony of microbes residing in your intestines - your microbiome. So what is the connection between gut bacteria and weight loss?

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Natural IBS Treatment: It’s More Than Just Diet

There ARE natural IBS treatments beyond just diet. While diet is a great place to start your IBS healing journey, anyone who has been down this path will know that diet alone is not generally enough to achieve the lasting healing you deserve. Yes, diet is exceptionally important for short-term symptom management, but a more comprehensive protocol that also covers lifestyle factors and targeted supplementation is where the big gains are made.

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Eating for IBS: How to Choose the Best Diet for You

Food and IBS can be a love-hate relationship. Or, if your symptoms are particularly bad, it’s mostly just hate-hate. But you’ll be glad to know that foods can heal as well as harm and figuring out which is which is key to getting your IBS symptoms under control and giving your body the space to heal. If you’re new to the world of gut-healing diets for IBS, unsure of what you should be eating for IBS and don’t yet know your polyols from your paleo, then this is the blog for you!

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Top 5 Root Causes of IBS Based on Testing

Last week we talked about why you should never settle for an IBS diagnosis and how IBS is not a single disease with a single cause. We now know that it’s a whole host of diagnosable health issues, which is why we must look further for complete healing. And while the exact root cause, or combination of causes, is unique to each person, this week I want to share with you the five that I most commonly see in my ‘IBS’ clients.

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Why You Should Never Settle for an IBS Diagnosis

IBS is a BS diagnosis. There, I said it. But I say it from a place of genuine compassion because I want to help you understand what it really is. The symptoms you experience as someone diagnosed with IBS are very real and have a massive impact on your quality of everyday life. It can stop you from feeling comfortable with leaving the house, looking after your family, going to work, seeing friends or doing that exercise class you used to love.

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Seven Common Gut Healing Mistakes I Want You To Avoid

Healing your damaged gut is a journey full of trial and error, and lots of HARD work. I know that right now you are probably experiencing countless overlapping symptoms, and there are countless healing modalities and approaches out there, all competing for your attention. And they all seem to work so differently for different people. Not to mention the complete minefield presented by forums, Facebook groups  and random online success stories.

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Top 20 Takeaways from the 2016 SIBO Summit

Australia’s first SIBO Summit was held in chilly Melbourne on 8th October 2016. I had the absolute pleasure of attending and rubbing shoulders (well, almost!) with Dr Alison Siebecker, my favourite SIBO guru from the USA, Dr Nirala Jacobi, Naturopath and creator of SIBOTest, and Dr Jason Hawrelak, our very own Aussie probiotics advisor. As an added bonus to my recent 3-part SIBO blog series, here are my top 20 takeaways from the day that I hope can help you with your healing journey.

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SIBO SERIES PART 2: The Science (and Art) of SIBO Testing

We know that SIBO is hugely underdiagnosed and potentially responsible for up to 85% of IBS cases (1); people who are told that there is nothing identifiably wrong with them. But how can this be? Why is SIBO so commonly missed or overlooked? A big part of the problem has to do with SIBO testing; who to test, when to test, how to test and most importantly how to interpret the SIBO breath test results.

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SIBO SERIES PART 1: Is SIBO The Hidden Cause of Your IBS?

This post is personal. As a SIBO sufferer I am pretty passionate about getting the word out about this under-diagnosed IBS condition. It wrecked my life for 2 years, so I’m dedicating a three-part series to it, to give you the most up-to-date science and everything you need to know about what it is, and how to get started with testing and treatment so it doesn’t wreck yours.

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