SIBO is infamously difficult to kill and even more difficult to keep that way. This is because attacking a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth with anything less than a really comprehensive natural treatment protocol, that is more than just diet or antibiotics, is essential for long-term healing. Natural SIBO treatment protocols that rely on single interventions just don’t seem to cut it.
Read MoreMethane SIBO constipation is a complex GI condition and one that can be more challenging to treat. Understanding how it differs from the more common hydrogen form of SIBO is critical to developing a natural treatment protocol that addresses its well established defences.
Read MoreEradicating SIBO and healing your damaged gut is a journey full of trial and error, and lots of hard, HARD work. With our scientific and clinical understanding of the condition continuing to grow, protocols and recommendations are constantly evolving and as with any gut condition, what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for the next. This means a lot of SIBO sufferers are struggling to keep up with the most up-to-date and effective treatment approaches.
Read MoreGuidance on finding an online SIBO practitioner for those trying to navigate this complicated condition and having difficulties finding the support you need. Learn the the benefits of working with an online practitioner and how to find one that’s right for you.
Read MoreDespite their many proven health benefits, probiotics don’t initially work for a number of our clients and can often make IBS symptoms worse in the short-term for those with significant gut dysfunction or bacterial dysbiosis. So, what are the side effects of probiotics and what should you do if probiotics are making your IBS symptoms worse?!
Read MoreWe know that SIBO is hugely underdiagnosed and potentially responsible for up to 85% of IBS cases (1); people who are told that there is nothing identifiably wrong with them. But how can this be? Why is SIBO so commonly missed or overlooked? A big part of the problem has to do with SIBO testing; who to test, when to test, how to test and most importantly how to interpret the SIBO breath test results.
Read MoreThis post is personal. As a SIBO sufferer I am pretty passionate about getting the word out about this under-diagnosed IBS condition. It wrecked my life for 2 years, so I’m dedicating a three-part series to it, to give you the most up-to-date science and everything you need to know about what it is, and how to get started with testing and treatment so it doesn’t wreck yours.
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